Malcolm Carroll


Research Staff Member: Quantum Hardware and Systems Research
Malcolm Carroll


Malcolm S. Carroll completed a B.S. in Engineering Physics from the University of Illinois. He worked on phonon imaging with Prof. J. Wolfe during that time. From 1994 to 1995 he was a Fulbright fellow at the Johannes-Guttenberg University of Mainz, Germany, working on Monte-Carlo simulation of spin phase transitions. In 2001 he received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University working for Prof. J. C. Sturm. The thesis work was on scaling of SiGeC heterojunction nanostructures through engineering of point defects. He joined the semiconductor division of Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies at Murray Hill, NJ, which subsequently became Agere Systems in 2002. Part of this research resulted in a patent on epitaxial integration of germanium detectors with CMOS electronics, which was foundational for a start-up, Noble Peak Vision. He worked at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) from 2003-2018 becoming a distinguished member of the technical staff. He founded and was the technical director for the silicon quantum computing program at SNL. This included contributions in MOS quantum dots utilizing the spin-orbit effect or single donors to form qubits. He moved to IBM Quantum from 2019-2020 and worked on coherence, yield and systems architecture of many-qubit devices. He spent a year at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to help initiate a quantum information science program as a principal managing physicist and then he returned to IBM Quantum to continue work in areas such as coherence, yield and systems architecture. Dr. Carroll has been a first-or co-author on over 100 peer reviewed articles and 8 patents with greater than 2600 citations. He has co-advised 8 graduate students from multiple universities and has been an adjunct professor at the University of New Mexico and Sherbrooke University. He has co-founded several continuing international conference series in quantum computing and he has served as an external advisor in a number of different national and international capacities.


Top collaborators

Luke Govia

Luke Govia

Staff Research Scientist - Quantum Computing
David McKay

David McKay

Manager, Principal Research Staff Member - Experimental Quantum Computing