Knowing where to go: Spatial memory guides eye and body movements in a naturalistic visual search task
- M. Pilar Aivar
- Chia-Ling Li
- et al.
- 2024
- Journal of Vision
I am a researcher at IBM Research in Cambridge, MA. Since joining IBM in 2017, my work has focused on using machine learning and computer vision to solve interesting problems.
Prior to starting at IBM, I was a research associate in the Center for Perceptual Systems at the University of Texas at Austin where I used virtual reality and machine learning to better understand how uncertainty and reward affect visual attention and eye movements. I earned my Ph.D. in computer science and cognitive science from the University of California at San Diego, focusing on computational models of human vision. As a graduate student, I earned the Marr Prize from the Cognitive Science Society. I was a fellow within the National Science Foundation IGERT program and the the National Science Foundation's Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center. I graduated as valedictorian from the University of Rochester in both Computer Science (B.S.) and Cognitive Science (B.A.).