Conference paper
A 15 to 18-GHz programmable sub-integer frequency synthesizer for a 60-GHz transceiver
A 15 to 18-GHz frequency synthesizer is implemented in 0.13-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology as part of a 60-GHz transceiver chipset. It provides for RF channels of 56.5-64 GHz in 500-MHz steps, and features a phase-rotating multi-modulus divider capable of sub-integer division. Output frequency range from the synthesizer is 15.3 to 18 GHz. The measured RMS phase noise of the synthesizer is 0.9° (1 MHz to 1 GHz integration), while phase noise at 100-kHz and 10-MHz offsets are -90 and -124 dBc/Hz, respectively. Reference spurs are -69 dBc; sub-integer spurs are -65 dBc; and power consumption is 145 mW. © 2007 IEEE.
Conference paper
Silicon millimeter-wave radios for 60 GHz and beyond
Conference paper