
A 16-18.8-GHz sub-integer-N frequency synthesizer for 60-GHz transceivers


An 18-GHz range frequency synthesizer is implemented in 0.13-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology as part of a 60-GHz superheterodyne transceiver chipset. It provides for RF channels of 56.5-64 GHz in 500-MHz steps, and features a phase-rotating multi-modulus divider capable of sub-integer division. Output frequency range from the synthesizer is 16.0 to 18.8 GHz, while the enabled RF frequency range is 3.5 times this, or 55.8 to 65.8 GHz. The measured RMS phase noise of the synthesizer is 0.8° (1 MHz to 1 GHz integration), while phase noise at 100-kHz and 10-MHz offsets are -90 and -124 dBc/Hz, respectively. Reference spurs are -69 dBc; sub-integer spurs are -65 dBc; and combined power consumption from 1.2 and 2.7 V is 144 mW. © 2006 IEEE.
