Conference paper

A high suppression frequency tripler for 60-GHz transceivers


A compact frequency tripler designed for 60 GHz transceivers is implemented in 0.13μm SiGe technology. The common emitter class-A frequency tripler uses a transformer based output filter combined with transmission lines to achieve high harmonic suppression. The frequency tripler followed by an amplifier covers a 3dB frequency range between 48 GHz to 58 GHz with a peak output power of 9.5 dBm. Fundamental frequency is suppressed by more than 28 dBc and the 4th harmonic is suppressed by more than 35 dBc between -40°C to 85°C degrees across the frequency band. The tripler design occupies only 390 μm × 495 μm and consumes 62 mW from a 2.7 V supply, the design followed by an amplifier occupies 960 μm × 980 μm raising the DC consumption to 220 mW.
