Conference paper
An example of how an unconventional order parameter symmetry may open new perspectives in the design of HTS Josephson junctions
We present various concepts and experimental procedures to fabricate biepitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x grain boundary Josephson junctions. Different types of structures can be realized including "π-loops" in which one of the junctions is intrinsically π-phase shifted. Due to its versatility the biepitaxial technique offers the possibility to investigate basic aspects of the physics of grain boundary Josephson junctions, and also the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic d-wave induced effects in transport properties. Further, we discuss the possibility to produce circuits in which "0-" and "π-loops" are controllably located on the same chip, and intrinsic d-wave effects can be exploited.
Conference paper
Unassisted true analog neural network training chip
Conference paper