Conference paper

Cognitive technologies for geology exploration


Analysis and interpretation of geological data for decision making at the exploration stage is one of the mostdifficult and important tasks for the O&G industry. At this stage, experts aim at maximizing the understandingof the value of an asset, while dealing with high levels of uncertainty. IT solutions based on classicalmathematical algorithms are not able to support such complex operations, for they require well-defined andstructured data-process models. The new generation of technological systems capable of continuous analysisand cognition of the surrounding world are better fit to cope with such tasks. A Joint research project betweenGazprom-Neft and IBM Research has shown evidence that cognitive technologies have the potential forapplication in geology exploration. The global goal is to support all professionals involved in the process ofgeological data analysis so that they can make more efficient and informed decisions by automating the routinetasks and reducing the number of unnecessary cycles, iterations. The results at the current stage corroborate thevalue of introducing cognitive technologies not only for solving linear problems of processing and interpretinggeological data, but they will form the basis for the transformation of standard approaches throughout thegeological exploration cycle.
