Conference paper

Composable Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions via Garbled Circuits


Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions (OPRFs) are a central tool for building modern protocols for authentication and distributed computation. For example, OPRFs enable simple login protocols that do not reveal the password to the provider, which helps to mitigate known shortcomings of password-based authentication such as password reuse or mix-up. Reliable treatment of passwords becomes more and more important as we login to a multitude of services with different passwords in our daily life. To ensure the security and privacy of such services in the long term, modern protocols should always take into account the possibility of attackers with quantum computers. Therefore, recent research has focused on constructing post-quantum-secure OPRFs. Unfortunately, existing constructions either lack efficiency, or they are based on complex and relatively new cryptographic assumptions, some of which have lately been disproved. In this paper, we revisit the security and the efficiency of the well-known “OPRFs via Garbled Circuits” approach. Such an OPRF is presumably post-quantum-secure and built from well-understood primitives, namely symmetric cryptography and oblivious transfer. We investigate security in the strong Universal Composability model, which guarantees security even when multiple instances are executed in parallel and in conjunction with arbitrary other protocols, which is a realistic scenario in today’s internet. At the same time, it is faster than other current post-quantumsecure OPRFs. Our implementation and benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed OPRF is currently among the best choices if the privacy of the data has to be guaranteed for a long time.
