Conference paper

Computational lithography platform for 193i-guided directed self-assembly


We continue to study the feasibility of using Directed Self Assembly (DSA) in extending optical lithography for High Volume Manufacturing (HVM). We built test masks based on the mask datatprep flow we proposed in our prior year's publication [1]. Experimental data on circuit-relevant fin and via patterns based on 193nm graphoepitaxial DSA are demonstrated on 300mm wafers. With this computational lithography (CL) flow we further investigate the basic requirements for full-field capable DSA lithography. The first issue is on DSA-specific defects which can be either random defects due to material properties or the systematic DSA defects that are mainly induced by the variations of the guiding patterns (GP) in 3 dimensions. We focus in studying the latter one. The second issue is the availability of fast DSA models to meet the full-chip capability requirements in different CL component's need. We further developed different model formulations that constitute the whole spectrum of models in the DSA CL flow. In addition to the Molecular Dynamic/Monte Carlo (MD/MC) model and the compact models we discussed before [2], we implement a 2D phenomenological phase field model by solving the Cahn-Hilliard type of equation that provide a model that is more predictive than compact model but much faster then the physics-based MC model. However simplifying the model might lose the accuracy in prediction especially in the z direction so a critical question emerged: Can a 2D model be useful fro full field? Using 2D and 3D simulations on a few typical constructs we illustrate that a combination of 2D mode with pre-characterized 3D litho metrics might be able to approximate the prediction of 3D models to satisfy the full chip runtime requirement. Finally we conclude with the special attentions we have to pay in the implementation of 193nm based lithography process using DSA. © 2014 SPIE.
