Conference paper

Design and implementation: The native web browser and server for content-centric networking


Content-Centric Networking (CCN) has recently emerged as a clean-slate Future Internet architecture which has a completely different communication pattern compared with exiting IP network. Since the World Wide Web has become one of the most popular and important applications on the Internet, how to efiectively support the dominant browser and server based web applications is a key to the success of CCN. However, the existing web browsers and servers are mainly designed for the HTTP protocol over TCP/IP networks and cannot directly support CCN-based web applications. Existing research mainly focuses on plug-in or proxy/gateway approaches at client and server sides, and these schemes seriously impact the service performance due to multiple protocol conversions. To address above problems, we designed and implemented a CCN web browser and a CCN web server to natively support CCN protocol. To facilitate the smooth evolution from IP networks to CC- N, CCNBrowser and CCNxTomcat also support the HTTP protocol besides the CCN. Experimental results show that CCNBrowser and CCNxTomcat outperform existing implementations. Finally, a real CCN-based web application is deployed on a CCN experimental testbed, which validates the applicability of CCNBrowser and CCNxTomcat.
