
Design principles of bipolar electrochemical co-electrolysis cells for efficient reduction of carbon dioxide from gas phase at low temperature


Cell designs for the electrochemical reduction of CO 2 from gas phase were developed and investigated, and the critical elements for an efficient process were identified. Various types of polymeric membrane were used to build membrane electrode assembly adapted for CO 2 reduction in gas phase: protonic and anion exchange membrane (AEM), bipolar membrane and a modified bipolar like membrane configuration. Configurations using anion exchange ionomer in the cathodic catalytic layer in contact with an AEM allow for a great enhancement of the cathode reaction selectivity toward CO. However, a severe problem was identified when co-electrolysis is performed using only an AEM: this type of membrane acts as a CO 2 “pump” meaning that for each molecule of CO 2 reduced at the cathode, one or two CO 2 molecules are produced at the anode by oxidation of the carbonate/bicarbonate anion transported in the membrane. A bipolar membrane system was shown to soften this problem, but only a newly developed cell design was able to fully prevent the parasitic CO 2 pumping. Using this new cell configuration, the faradaic efficiency of an alkaline environment is maintained, the parasitic CO 2 pumping to the anode side is completely suppressed, and the overall cell voltage efficiency is highly improved.
