
Effect of phosphorus on the magnetization of nickel


The effects of phosphorus on the magnetization of nickel have been examined for thin films made by electroless deposition, electrodeposition, and by vacuum evaporation. While P has a very low solubility in bulk nickel, the results indicate that all three processes result in a metastable solid solution of P in Ni, which is transformed into the stable (paramagnetic Ni3P plus Ni) configuration by annealing at 850°K. The concentrations of P in the deposited films were varied and quantitatively established through the use of NaH232PO2 in the deposition process, coupled with radio-analysis techniques. The magnetic data obtained are in qualitative agreement with z=5 in the expression, μB=n0-cz, where n0 is the number of holes in the 3d band of nickel, c is the concentration of phosphorus, and z its valence. Data on the behavior of magnetic moment and Curie temperature with P content are presented and a tentative explanation put forth for some anomalous behavior of these parameters. © 1967 The American Institute of Physics.
