Conference paper

Efficient data reduction with EASE


A variety of mining and analysis problems - ranging from association-rule discovery to contingency table analysis to materialization of certain approximate datacubes - involve the extraction of knowledge from a set of categorical count data. Such data can be viewed as a collection of "transactions," where a transaction is a fixed-length vector of counts. Classical algorithms for solving count-data problems require one or more computationally intensive passes over the entire database and can be prohibitively slow. One effective method for dealing with this ever-worsening scalability problem is to run the algorithms on a small sample of the data. We present a new data-reduction algorithm, called EASE, for producing such a sample. Like the FAST algorithm introduced by Chen et al., EASE is especially designed for count data applications. Both EASE and FAST take a relatively large initial random sample and then deterministically produce a subsample whose "distance" - appropriately defined - from the complete database is minimal. Unlike FAST, which obtains the final subsample by quasi-greedy descent, EASE uses epsilon-approximation methods to obtain the final subsample by a process of repeated halving. Experiments both in the context of association rule mining and classical X2 contingency-table analysis show that EASE outperforms both FAST and simple random sampling, sometimes dramatically. Copyright 2003 ACM.
