
Electromagnetic fields in a radio-frequency induction plasma


The electromagnetic fields which drive a radio-frequency induction plasma are both modeled and measured. The plasma source consists of a planar, square coil separated from a low pressure plasma chamber by a 2.54-cm-thick quartz window. A small loop antenna, which is sealed in a pyrex tube, is immersed in the discharge to determine the magnitude and direction of the L magnetic field. The measured B field is primarily radial and axial. Typical rf field strengths vary from 2 to 7 G for rf powers of 0.1-1 kW. The radial B field decays exponentially in the axial direction. The skin depth of the electromagnetic field is 1.6-3.6 cm which is consistent with Langmuir probe measured ion densities (typically 3 X 10I!cm”) in argon. Invoking Maxwell’s equations to deduce the rf electric field from the measured B field, we find the E field to be primarily azimuthal. Peak field strengths increase from 100 V/m at 100 W to 200 V/m at 600 W where they saturate for higher powers. Finally, we present a 3D finite element solution for the fields produced by this plasma source which employs a cold, collisionless plasma model to relate the relative plasma permittivity erto the electron plasma frequency, co using er= 1 — (ctfpeAo). The measured fields support this numerical solution. © 1993, American Vacuum Society. All rights reserved.
