Conference paper

EVOLVE: Towards Converging Big-Data, High-Performance and Cloud-Computing Worlds


EVOLVE is a pan European Innovation Action that aims to fully-integrate High-Performance-Computing (HPC) hardware with state-of-the-art software technologies under a unique testbed, that enables the convergence of HPC, Cloud and Big-Data worlds and increases our ability to extract value from massive and demanding datasets. EVOLVE's advanced compute platform combines HPC-enabled capabilities, with transparent deployment in high abstraction level, and a versatile Big-Data processing stack for end-to-end workflows. Hence, domain experts have the potential to improve substantially the efficiency of existing services or introduce new models in the respective domains, e.g., automotive services, bus transportation, maritime surveillance and others. In this paper, we describe EVOLVE's testbed, and evaluate the performance of the integrated pilots from different domains.
