
Extracting transverse electron mean free paths in graphene at low energy


The LEEM-IV spectra of few-layer graphene show characteristic minima at specific energies, which depend on the number of graphene layers. For the same samples, low-energy TEM (eV-TEM) spectra exhibit transmission maxima at energies corresponding to those of the reflection minima in LEEM. Both features can be understood from interferences of the electron wave function in a purely elastic model. Inelastic scattering processes in turn lead to a finite, energy-dependent inelastic Mean Free Path (MFP) and a lower finesse of the interference features. Here we develop a model that introduces both an elastic and inelastic scattering parameter on the wave-function level, thus reconciling the models considered previously. Fitting to published data, we extract the elastic and inelastic MFP self-consistently and compare these to recent reports.
