Conference paper

How can AI leverage alternative criteria and suggest a better way to measure credit worthiness and economic growth'


Small business owners (SBOs) in low-income communities face several challenges when asking for micro-credit loans from financial institutions. Usual difficulties include low credit scores, unbaked situations, outstanding debts, informal employment situations, and the inability to showcase their payable capacity. We interviewed bank credit agents, financial analysts, financial educators, and small business owners to understand the main challenges to accessing credit and the main alternative criteria used to assess creditworthiness. From our research, we sensed that SBOs are not knowledgeable enough and aware of the health of their business. The lack of knowledge about their own business can impact their communication skills to show the documentation and convince credit agents of the necessity of a microloan. This demo showcases a voice-based conversational system that helps unveil SBOs of their business situation, informing a Health Business Index (HBI). The HBI can also be used as collateral by bank agents in financial institutions.
