Conference paper

HWProfile UI: Facilitating the exploration of a patient centered risk model


When machine learning is applied in healthcare, exploring the output model is a critical part of research but can also help the healthcare practitioners. We present Health Wellness Profile UI (shortened as HWProfile UI, available at, an exploratory interface developed as part of ProACT (, an H2020 European funded project which aims at advancing home-based integrated care through IoT, analytics and a behaviour change framework. This interface has been conceived with the aim of easing the exploration of a holistic model for the person or cohort of patients, based on a Bayesian Network that represents older patients with multimorbidity, with variables scattered on several dimensions (demographics, clinical, behavioural). HWProfile UI demonstrates a novel and interactive way to navigate probabilistic conditional dependencies through a dynamic view, with the goal of being easily understandable by stakeholders coming from different domains (e.g. IT specialists, nurses, psychologists, etc.).
