
Hyperfine structure D522 and F924 states of Ag107 and Ag109


The hfs of the (4d95s2) D522 and (4d95s5p) F924 metastable electronic states in Ag107 and Ag109 have been measured by the atomic-beam magnetic-resonance method. The results, including the hfs dipole interaction constants which have been corrected for second-order interactions with neighboring fine-structure levels, are as follows: Δν(Ag109; D522; F=3 F=2)=435.4750(15) Mc/sec, Δν(Ag107; D522; F=3 F=2)=378.8453(3) Mc/sec, Δν(Ag109; F924; F=5 F=4)=1841.1564(9) Mc/sec, Δν(Ag107; F924; F=5 F=4)=1596.7506(6) Mc/sec, A(D522)109=-145.1584(5)Mc/sec, A(D522)107=-126.2818(1) Mc/sec, A(F924)109=-368.214(9) Mc/sec, A(F924)107=-319.339(5) Mc/sec. The hfs anomaly for each of the two states is Δ109107(D522)=0.00012(1) and Δ109107(F924)=-0.00298(3). By comparing the anomaly in the D522 state with that in the ground S122 state, we have obtained the amount of s-state mixing into the D522 state. The contribution to the hfs of the F924 level from each of the individual valence electrons has been estimated. The observed anomaly in the F924 state is in good agreement with the estimated s-electron contribution to the state. © 1966 The American Physical Society.
