Conference paper

Interaction of infiltrated colloidal PbS nanocrystals with high Q/V silicon photonic bandgap nanocavities for near-infrared enhanced spontaneous emissions


We study the interaction of silicon photonic crystal nanocavities with infiltrated colloidal PbS nanocrystals as a viable and efficient source for achieving indistinguishable and single photons. Nanocrystal-nanocaviry coupling is predicted at near-infrared wavelengths, suggesting the possibility towards exciting silicon-based nanophotonic lasers, and novel efficient sources for fiber and silicon-based quantum information networks and systems. Two effective designs for nanocrystal-nanocavity coupling are illustrated that exhibit moderate to high cavity quality factors, and ultra-small modal volumes for spontaneous emission enhancements. It is shown that in principle our system can approach the observation of strong exciton-cavity coupling in a solid-state implementation at room temperature.
