
Large magnetotunneling effect at low magnetic fields in micrometer-scale epitaxiaM tunnel junctions


We have used a self-aligned lithographic process to fabricate magnetic tunnel junctions of (Formula presented)(Formula presented)Mn(Formula presented) down to a few micrometers in size. We have obtained a magnetoresistance ratio as large as 83% at low magnetic fields of a few tens of Oe, which correspond to the coercivities of the magnetic layers. Transmission-electron-microscopy analysis has revealed the heteroepitaxial growth of the trilayer junction structure, (Formula presented)(Formula presented)Mn(Formula presented)/SrTi(Formula presented)/(Formula presented)Mn(Formula presented). We have observed current-voltage characteristics typical of electron tunneling across an insulating barrier. The large magnetoresistance is likely due to the nearly half-metallic electronic structure of the manganites. © 1996 The American Physical Society.
