
Long term stability of magnetoresistive bubble detectors


Various failure modes of Permalloy magnetoresistors are evaluated. Magnetic failure of magnetoresistors can be eliminated by passivation with evaporated SiO and sputtered Al2O3 and Si3N4 films. Effect of the permalloy/Au interaction at the sensor/lead metallization interface was investigated by high current and temperature stressing (5.5 × 10 6 A/cm2 and 330°C) of actual sensors, and by He-ion nuclear backscattering and x-ray diffraction analysis of Au/permalloy sheet film couples. Stripe cracking failures occur at the negative terminal. Significant interdiffusion of Au/permalloy can occur. However, the interdiffusion is not particularly deleterious to sensor performance. Coppyright © 1974 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
