Conference paper

Measurement of polarization components using a pour detector polarimeter


The Four Detector Polarimeter (FDP) has been described previously by Azzam 1-3. The purpose of this instrument is to provide a fast and accurate means for simultaneously measuring all four Stokes parameters of an arbitrary input polarization state of light. We have designed, built and tested an instrument based on these principles. The instrument is computer controlled and incorporates special algorithms for calibration and determination of the instrument matrix. This paper will present results obtained for measuring the complete Stokes parameters for light at wavelengths of 633 and 830 nm. We will discuss the calibration considerations in detail and present results for the accuracy of determination of polarization angle, a, and ellipticity, β. In addition we will present results for polarization components such as quarter wave plates, half wave plates and polarizing beam splitters measured using the FDP. © 1990, SPIE.
