
Measurement of the pseudo-stark effect in Pr3+:LaF3 using population hole burning and optical free-induction decay


Measurements of the DC pseudo-Stark effect are reported for the 1D2←3H4 transition of Pr3+ at 5925.2 Å. These were made by observing the electric field induced splitting of holes burned in the inhomogeneous line by a single mode cw dye laser, a technique that allows precise measurements of small splittings to be made even in relatively small applied fields. For fields parallel to the local C2 axis of Pr3+ sites we find a Stark splitting of 0.304±0.005 MHz/V cm-1, which corresponds to a dipole moment difference between ground and excited states of 0.056 Debye. This effect enabled us to observe optical free induction decay (FID) by Stark switching. The FID singal contained two beat frequencies due to sets of Pr3+ ions made inequivalent by application of the Stark field. © 1978.


R.M. Shelby, R.M. Macfarlane, et al.

Applied Physics B Photophysics and Laser Chemistry