
Mechanism of nucleon transfer reactions induced by 148-MeV N14 ions


Neutron and proton transfer reactions have been studied in the C12+N14 system using a 148-MeV N14 beam and an isotopic identification system capable of resolving isolated residual states. Highly selective population of states having a simple one-nucleon configuration based on the N14 ground state has been observed in the C12(N14,O15)B11 and C12(N14,N15)C11 analog reactions. The ratio of cross sections for these reactions is well reproduced on the assumption of charge symmetry. Calculations based on the Boyarkina and on the Kurath wave functions are in agreement with the observed relative population of the ground and first excited states of the A=11 mirror pair. None of the transfer angular distributions show diffraction oscillations, contrary to the predictions of the Frahn and Venter model. Both the Dar and the Dodd and Greider models can reproduce experimental results; however, the evidence now available on heavy-ion transfer reactions favors the finite range potential and recoil mechanism of the latter model. © 1967 The American Physical Society.
