
Microfluidic chips for point-of-care immunodiagnostics


We might be at the turning point where research in microfluidics undertaken in academia and industrial research laboratories, and substantially sponsored by public grants, may provide a range of portable and networked diagnostic devices. In this Progress Report, an overview on microfluidic devices that may become the next generation of point-of-care (POC) diagnostics is provided. First, we describe gaps and opportunities in medical diagnostics and how microfluidics can address these gaps using the example of immunodiagnostics. Next, we conceptualize how different technologies are converging into working microfluidic POC diagnostics devices. Technologies are explained from the perspective of sample interaction with components of a device. Specifically, we detail materials, surface treatment, sample processing, microfluidic elements (such as valves, pumps, and mixers), receptors, and analytes in the light of various biosensing concepts. Finally, we discuss the integration of components into accurate and reliable devices. Microfluidic devices for point-of-care diagnostics are being realized in response to a pressing need for diagnostic tests for diseases that are not covered by current technology. This Progress Report details the requirements of point- of-care diagnostics and the technological components that can be used to develop such microfluidic devices. Specifically, materials, surface treatments, sample processing, microfluidic elements (such as valves, pumps, and mixers), receptors, and analytes in the perspective of various biosensing concepts are addressed. Finally, the integration of components into accurate and reliable devices is discussed. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
