Conference paper

Millimeter-wave lange and ring-hybrid couplers in a silicon technology for e-band applications


Five compact millimeter-wave 90° and 180° distributed couplers are realized in the back-end-of-the-line of a 0.13μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. Lange couplers smaller than 160 (im on a side have been implemented showing -4 dB through, -5 dB coupling, 14 dB return loss, and 15 dB isolation for 60- and 77-GHz versions. Ring hybrids with phase-inverters have been implemented showing -4 dB through, -5.6 dB coupling, 18 dB return loss, and 21 dB isolation for 60- and 77-GHz versions. The rings are smaller than 330 μm on a side. © 2006 IEEE.
