
On the Dispersal of Young Stellar Hierarchies


Hierarchical structure in young star fields has been demonstrated in a variety of ways, including two-point correlation functions (TPCFs) that are power laws for spatial scales up to at least several hundred parsecs. As the stars age, this power law decreases in slope until it becomes nearly flat at ∼100 Myr, at which point the hierarchical structure has disappeared. The fact that the TPCF remains nearly a power law during this time implies that the dispersal mechanism is somewhat independent of scale. This rules out dispersal by random stellar motions at either the local gas turbulent speed or a constant speed, because in both cases the hierarchy would disappear at small scales first, causing the TPCF to bend over. Destruction by shear has the right property, as the shear rate in a galaxy is independent of scale for kiloparsec-size regions, but shear converts the hierarchy into an azimuthal stream, which still has a power-law TPCF. What does explain the observation is the overlapping of several independent hierarchies from successive generations of star formation in the same region. If stellar age is determined from magnitude intervals on the main sequence of a color-magnitude diagram, or if cluster ages are grouped together logarithmically into bins, then multiple generations will overlap more and more as the grouped populations age, and this overlap will lower the spatial correlations between group members. Models of these processes illustrate their relative roles in removing the appearance of young stellar hierarchies.
