Conference paper

Partition and compose: Parallel complex event processing


Complex event processing uses patterns to detect composite events in streams of simple events. Typically, the events are logically partitioned by some key. For instance, the key can be the stock symbol in stock quotes, the author in tweets, the vehicle in transportation, or the patient in health-care. Composite event patterns often become meaningful only after partitioning. For instance, a pattern over stock quotes is typically meaningful over quotes for the same stock symbol. This paper proposes a pattern syntax and translation scheme organized around the notion of partitions. Besides making patterns meaningful, partitioning also benefits performance, since different keys can be processed in parallel. We have implemented partitioned parallel complex event processing as an extension to IBM's System S highperformance streaming platform. Our experiments with several benchmarks from finance and social media demonstrate processing speeds of up to 830,000 events per second, and substantial speedups for expensive patterns parallelized on multi-core machines as well as multi-machine clusters. Partitioning the event stream before detecting composite events makes event processing both more intuitive and parallel. Copyright © 2012 ACM.
