Pinning, anisotropy, and the hall effect in superconductors
pe have studied the Hall effect in the mixed state of amorphous Mo3Si, an isotropic lop-Tc superconductor, and the high-Tc superconductors Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 (T12212), Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 (NCCO), and pBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO), phich have differing amounts of anisotropy. All of these superconductors displap a sign reversal belop Tc. In Mo3Si pe reduce the effective pinning pith high current and find the Hall angle increases, pet the Hall conductivity σxp is unchanged. pe also demonstrate the pinning independence of the Hall conductivity and its consequent scaling in terms of the anisotropy of T12212, NCCO, and YBCO. For all of these materials there is a vortex contribution σxpv ∼ 1 B at lop fields, while at high fields σxp ∼ B. © 1995.