Quadratic temperature dependence of the in-plane resistivity in superconducting Nd1.85CuO4 - Evidence for Fermi-liquid normal state
The in-plane normal-state resistivity, ρ{variant}|;(T), of the electron-doped superconductor Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4 has been measured and analyzed as a function of temperature in the range of Tc to 300 K where Tc(R=0)=20 K. A dominant T2 temperature dependence of ρ{variant}|(T) for T <200 K has been found. For T 200 K, the data indicate a logarithmic correction to the quadratic temperature dependence. These findings are consistent with the Fermi-liquid model for electron-electron scattering, which is greatly enhanced in the CuO2-layered oxides. The experimental results of this work lend strong support to the validity of a Fermi-liquid description for the normal-state of electron-doped Cu-oxide superconductors. © 1989.