Row-wise parallel predicate evaluation
Table scans have become more interesting recently due to greater use of ad-hoc queries and greater availability of multicore, vector-enabled hardware. Table scan performance is limited by value representation, table layout, and processing techniques. In this paper we propose a new layout and processing technique for efficient one-pass predicate evaluation. Starting with a set of rows with a fixed number of bits per column, we append columns to form a set of banks and then pad each bank to a supported machine word length, typically 16, 32, or 64 bits. We then evaluate partial predicates on the columns of each bank, using a novel evaluation strategy that evaluates column level equality, range tests, IN-list predicates, and conjuncts of these predicates, simultaneously on multiple columns within a bank, and on multiple rows within a machine register. This approach outperforms pure column stores, which must evaluate the partial predicates one column at a time. We evaluate and compare the performance and representation overhead of this new approach and several proposed alternatives. © 2008 VLDB Endowment.