Conference paper

Runtime characterization of triple stores


As the Semantic Web becomes mainstream, the performance of triple stores becomes increasingly important. Up until now, there have been various benchmarks and experiments that have attempted to evaluate the response time and query throughput of individual stores to show the weaknesses and strengths of triple store implementation. However, these evaluations have primarily focused on the application level and have not sufficiently investigated system-level aspects to discover performance inhibitors and bottlenecks. In this paper, we are proposing metrics based on a systematic study of the impact of triple store implementation on the underlying platform. We choose some popular triple stores as use cases, and perform our experiments on a standard (128GB RAM, 12 cores) and an enterprise platform (768GB RAM, 40cores). Through detailed time cost and system consumption measures of queries derived from the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark (BSBM), we describe the dynamics and behaviors of query execution across these systems. The collected data provides insight into different triple store implementation as well as an understanding of performance differences between the two platforms. The results obtained help in the identification of performance bottlenecks in existing triple stores implementations which may be useful in future design efforts for Linked Data processing. © 2012 IEEE.
