Conference paper

Silicon CMOS compatible transition metal dioxide technology for boosting highly integrated photonic devices with disruptive performance


In this work we will present the objectives and last results of the FP7-ICT-2013-11-619456 SITOGA project. The SITOGA project will address the integration of transition metal dioxides (TMO) materials in silicon photonics and CMOS electronics. TMOs have unique electro-optical properties that will offer unprecedented and novel capabilities to the silicon platform. SITOGA will focus on two disruptive TMO materials, barium titanate (BaTiO3) and vanadium didioxide (VO2), for developing advanced photonic integrated devices for a wide range of applications. Innovative integration processes with silicon photonics circuits and CMOS electronics will be developed. The whole technology chain will be validated by two functional demonstrators: a 40 Gbit/s DPSK transceiver and an 8×8 switching matrix with 100 Gbit/s throughput. © 2014 IEEE.
