
Single-molecule synthesis and characterization of metal-ligand complexes by low-temperature STM


We present scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)-based single-molecule synthesis of linear metal-ligand complexes starting from individual metal atoms (iron or nickel) and organic molecules (9,10-dicyanoanthracene) deposited on an ultrathin insulating film. We directly visualize the frontier molecular orbitals by STM orbital imaging, from which, in conjunction with detailed density functional theory calculations, the electronic structure of the complexes is inferred. Our studies show how the order of the molecular orbitals and the spin-state of the complex can be engineered through the choice of the metal atom. The high-spin iron complex has a singly occupied delocalized orbital with a large spin-splitting that points to the use of these engineered complexes as modular building blocks in molecular spintronics. © 2010 American Chemical Society.
