Conference paper

Static and time resolved X-ray scattering studies on semi-crystalline polymer mixtures


There appears to be substantial evidence of the existence of an interfacial region which has properties similar to that of the amorphous phase but yet is distinctly different. In order to gain more insight into this question mixtures of semi-crystalline and amorphous polymers can be investigated where the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter between the two polymers is varied. Recently, studies on mixtures of poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVF2 with poly(vinyl pyrrolidone), PVP, where the interaction parameter between the polymers have been measured by melting point depression measurements, suggest that the interaction parameter is very large in magnitude and negative. Calculations of the small angle scattering invariant from different assumed models favor the existence of an interface from which the PVP is excluded but the introduction of the strongly interacting PVP does not appear to perturb the interface to any extent.
