Conference paper

Thermal conductivity measurements and modeling of phase-change GST materials


Phase-change technology has been widely used in rewritable disks for optical recording applications. Recently, it has also received attention as a candidate for future high storage density non-volatile random access memory, due to its much longer cycle life (∼1013) and fast data access time (∼100ns) compared with the existing Flash memory technology. In this paper, we present thermal conductivity data and models for phase-change GeSbTe material that would be helpful in performance optimization and improvement in the reliability (i.e., enhancement of data rate, cyclability, control of mark-edge jitter) of phase-change-based data storage devices and systems. We perform the thermal characterization of Ge4Sb1Te5 and Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change materials for the application of optical recording and phase-change memory cell using the techniques of thermoreflectance and electrical resistance thermometry. The limits of lattice and electronic thermal conductivities are investigated to determine their relative contributions as a function of tellurium concentration at different crystalline structures. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.
