
Thermally stimulated relaxation in NaF X‐irradiated at room temperature


The thermally stimulated processes in NaF X‐irradiated at room temperature are studied. Three processes are observed whose relative weight depends on the F‐coloring stage: (1) electron release; this causes glow peaks to appear at 75 and 115°C, as a result, M+ centers are annealed out; (2) interstitial fluorine release from different traps and subsequent recombination with F‐centers and F‐aggregate centers, it causes glow peaks at 70, 130, 200, 240, and 280°C; (3) F‐center migration causing their annealing by recombination with interstitials or the formation of F‐aggregate centers. Copyright © 1988 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
