
Using a speaker-adaptable, task-customisable, dictation system for high accuracy text input: A case study


This paper describes the design principles of a large vocabulary, free text, dictation system, employing advanced speech recognition technology. It can be used for a wide variety of tasks, and is rapidly customisable to new domains. A case study of the application of the technology in the creation of a Pathology reporting workstation is described. The objectives of using large vocabulary speech recognition technology to implement a system for the dictation of free text are described. The process of creating text, from draft to final version is discussed in terms of the pre-requisites on both the technology and its implementation. The constraints on the performance and user acceptability of a system using this technology are noted. The design of a flexible system component supporting user adaptation is shown. The use of a general purpose, standalone dictation system for a wide variety of potential applications is noted. The customisation of the system to a new task by the rapid rebuilding of its parameter tables is described. The application of a customised version of the system to an actual end user environment is exemplified by a case study of a Pathology reporting workstation. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
