
Using Bayesian networks and virtual coverage to hit hard-to-reach events


Reaching hard-to-reach coverage events is a difficult task that requires both time and expertise. Data-driven coverage directed generation (CDG) can assist in the task when the coverage events are part of a structured coverage model, but is a priori less useful when the target events are singular and not part of a model. We present a data-driven CDG technique based on Bayesian networks that can improve the coverage of cross-product coverage models. To improve the capability of the system, we also present virtual coverage models as a means for enabling data-driven CDG to reach singular events. A virtual coverage model is a structured coverage model (e.g., cross-product coverage) defined around the target event, such that the target event is a point in the structured model. The CDG system can exploit this structure to learn how to reach the target event from covered points in the structured model. A case study using CDG and virtual coverage to reach a hard-to-reach event in a multi-processor system demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed method. © Springer-Verlag 2009.
