Conference paper

Using MATCON to generate CASE tools that guide deployment of pre-packaged applications


The complex process of adapting pre-packaged applications, such as Oracle or SAP, to an organization's needs is full of challenges. Although detailed, structured, and well-documented methods govern this process, the consulting team implementing the method must spend a huge amount of manual effort to make sure the guidelines of the method are followed as intended by the method author. MATCON breaks down the method content, documents, templates, and work products into reusable objects, and enables them to be cataloged and indexed so these objects can be easily found and reused on subsequent projects. By using models and meta-modeling the reusable methods, we automatically produce a CASE tool to apply these methods, thereby guiding consultants through this complex process. The resulting tool helps consultants create the method deliverables for the initial phases of large customization projects. Our MATCON output, referred to as Consultant Assistant, has shown significant savings in training costs, a 20 - 30% improvement in productivity, and positive results in large Oracle and SAP implementations. © 2011 Authors.
