Voltammetry and Potentiometry of Tetrathiafulvalene Halides
The electrochemistry of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and related donor molecules has been studied In the presence of bromide Ions In acetonitrile. Evidence for radical cation bromide salt formation is found In the cyclic voltammograms of tetraselenafulvalene and benzotetrathlafulvalene. Coulometric generation of the radical cations followed by addition of stoichiometric amounts of halide salts affords a convenient preparation of the donor halide salts. The solubility product of TTFBx, (x ≃ 0.8) In acetonitrile has been estimated from the potentlometrlc titration curve of TTF with tetraalkylammonlum trlbromlde. © 1977, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.