Negative resistance fluctuations at resistance minima in narrow quantum hall conductorsM. Büttiker1988Physical Review B
Absence of backscattering in the quantum Hall effect in multiprobe conductorsM. Büttiker1988Physical Review B
Propagation and stability of kinks in driven and damped nonlinear Klein-Gordon chainsM. BüttikerH. Thomas1988Physical Review A
Zero-current persistent potential drop across small-capacitance josephson junctionsM. B̈ttiker1987Physical Review B
Transport as a consequence of state-dependent diffusionM. Büttiker1987Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter
Flux sensitivity of a piecewise normal and superconducting metal loopM. BüttikerT.M. Klapwijk1986Physical Review B
Generalized many-channel conductance formula with application to small ringsM. B̈ttikerY. Imryet al.1985Physical Review B