Design of a cloverleaf antenna for an antenna coupled bolometer for room temperature THz imagingBernhard KleinRonny Hahnelet al.2013ISCDG 2013
Room-temperature THz imaging based on antenna-coupled MOSFET bolometerThomas MorfBernhard Kleinet al.2013MEMS 2013
Design of a wide-bandwidth on-chip antenna for uncooled passive THz imagingBernhard KleinThomas Morfet al.2013iWAT 2013
Extended tensor description to design non-uniform heat-removal in interlayer cooled chip stacksThomas BrunschwilerStephan Paredeset al.2012ITherm 2012
Fabrication of conducting AFM cantilevers with AlN-based piezoelectric actuatorsHans Joachim QuenzerUte Drechsleret al.2011Eurosensors 2011
Angle-of-attack investigation of pin-fin arrays in nonuniform heat-removal cavities for interlayer cooled chip stacksThomas BrunschwilerStephan Paredeset al.2011SEMI-THERM 2011
Heat-removal performance scaling of interlayer cooled chip stacksThomas BrunschwilerStephan Paredeset al.2010ITherm 2010
Direct write 3-dimensional nanopatterning using probesDavid PiresArmin Knollet al.2010SPIE Advanced Lithography 2010