Understanding the design trade-offs of hybrid flash controllersRadu StoicaRoman Pletkaet al.2019MASCOTS 2019
Open Block Characterization and Read Voltage Calibration of 3D QLC NAND FlashNikolaos PapandreouHaralampos Pozidiset al.2020IRPS 2020
Kafka: The Database Inverted, but Not Garbled or CompromisedSean RooneyPeter Urbanetzet al.2019Big Data 2019
Experiences with managing data ingestion into a corporate datalakeSean RooneyDaniel Baueret al.2019CIC 2019
Reliability of 3D NAND flash memory with a focus on read voltage calibration from a system aspectNikolaos PapandreouNikolas Ioannouet al.2019NVMTS 2019
Characterization and Analysis of Bit Errors in 3D TLC NAND Flash MemoryNikolaos PapandreouHaralampos Pozidiset al.2019IRPS 2019
Health-binning: Maximizing the performance and the endurance of consumer-level NAND flashRoman PletkaSasa Tomic2016SYSTOR 2016
Management of next-generation NAND flash to achieve enterprise-level endurance and latency targetsRoman PletkaIoannis Koltsidaset al.2018ACM Transactions on Storage