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10 results for
Georgios Kollias- Georgios Kollias
- Vasileios Kalantzis
- et al.
- 2022
- AAAI 2022
- Giorgio de Paola
- Cristina Ibanez-Llano
- et al.
- 2020
- ATCE 2020
- Jiri Navratil
- Giorgio de Paola
- et al.
- 2020
- ATCE 2020
- Shahin Mohammadi
- Sudhir B. Kylasa
- et al.
- 2016
- ICDMW 2016
- Chander Iyer
- Haim Avron
- et al.
- 2015
- ScalA 2015
- Sudhir B. Kylasa
- Georgios Kollias
- et al.
- 2015
- ASONAM 2015
- Abram Magner
- Svante Janson
- et al.
- 2014
- Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
- Chander Iyer
- Haim Avron
- et al.
- 2019
- Journal of Computational Science
- Sudhir B. Kylasa
- Georgios Kollias
- et al.
- 2016
- Social Network Analysis and Mining
- Karthik Kambatla
- Giorgos Kollias
- et al.
- 2014