Batch mode activc learning with hierarchical-structured embedded varianceYu ChengZhengzhang Chenet al.2014SDM 2014
Kaleido: Network traffic attribution using multifaceted footprintingTing WangFei Wanget al.2014SDM 2014
Frequence: Interactive mining and visualization of temporal frequent event sequencesAdam PererFei Wang2014IUI 2014
Who have got answers? Growing the pool of answerers in a smart enterprise social QA systemLin LuoFei Wanget al.2014IUI 2014
Demonstrating interactive multi-resolution large graph explorationZhiyuan LinNan Caoet al.2013ICDMW 2013
Listening to the crowd: Automated analysis of events via aggregated twitter sentimentYuheng HuFei Wanget al.2013IJCAI 2013