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- 1978
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods
- Allen Lurio
- J.F. Ziegler
- et al.
- 1978
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods
- Allen Lurio
- Johann Keller
- et al.
- 1978
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods
- Natarajan D. Bhaskar
- Allen Lurio
- 1976
- Physical Review A
- J.A. Cairns
- A. Lurio
- et al.
- 1976
- Journal of Catalysis
- A. Lurio
- J.A. Cairns
- et al.
- 1975
- Physical Review A
- Natarajan D. Bhaskar
- Allen Lurio
- 1974
- Physical Review A
- Robert W. Schmieder
- Allen Lurio
- et al.
- 1971
- Physical Review A