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108 results for
J.J. Cuomo- K. Schwarz
- A.R. Williams
- et al.
- 1985
- Physical Review B
- J.M.E. Harper
- J.J. Cuomo
- et al.
- 1985
- Journal of Applied Physics
- H.T.G. Hentzell
- J.M.E. Harper
- et al.
- 1985
- Journal of Applied Physics
- Lock See Yu
- James M. E. Harper
- et al.
- 1985
- Applied Physics Letters
- Roger Kelly
- J.J. Cuomo
- et al.
- 1985
- Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
- James M.E. Harper
- Jerome J. Cuomo
- et al.
- 1985
- Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B