Surface defect studies of flexible media using magnetoresistive sensorsF.E. TalkeR.C. Tsenget al.1975IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
An investigation of wear and material transfer in magnetic recording disk filesF.E. TalkeR.C. Tseng1974Wear
An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Medium Thickness and Transducer Spacing on the Read-Back Signal in Magnetic Recording SystemsF.E. TalkeR.C. Tseng1973IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Medium Thickness and Flying Height on the Read Back SignalF.E. TalkeR.C. Tseng1972IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Flat plate boundary-layer studies in a partially ionized gasRaymond C. TsengL. Talbot1971AIAA Journal